Workshop 13
1. Anna Bokszczanin, Ph.D. " Children and Adolescents Cope with Disasters:
Lessons from Polish Floods".
Bokszczanin Anna (Ph.D. Psychology) is currently an Associate Dean of the Faculty of History and Pedagogy and a permanent faculty member of the Institute of Psychology at Opole University (Poland). Dr. Bokszczanin hasbeen teaching courses in developmental psychology, stress and coping, and community psychology. She published numerous empirical and theoretical works manuscripts examining how stressful life events at both individual (e.g., parental unemployment) and community (e.g., natural disasters) levels impact children's and adolescents' coping resources and psychological well-being.
In 2003, she authored a book about psychological and social reactions of young people to natural disaster (Social and psychological response of children and adolescents to the 1997 Polish flood, 2003), and edited a large volume featuring community psychology based investigations from numerous countries entitled "Social Change in Solidarity: Community Psychology # # Perspectives and Approaches" (2007).
2. Małgorzata Szarzyńska, Ph.D. "Understanding Gender Role Strain in Poland".
Malgorzata E. Szarzynska teaches in the Institute of Psychology at the University of Opole in Poland. She has broad interests in clinical and community psychology, including eating disorders, gender issues, workplace issues; psychodynamic theory and methods, psychotherapy, and other interventions. Her current research in Poland focuses on youth who have aged out of the foster care system, designing interventions that might prevent their later homelessness and other poor outcomes.
- workshop
Číslo akce
- Katedra psychologie FF UP
- Vodární 6, Olomouc
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